Commercial Interiors UK OPEN


Indorama Ventures 

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, listed in Thailand, is one of the world’s leading petrochemicals producers, with global manufacturing. The company’s portfolio comprises Combined PET, Fibers, and Indovinya. Indorama Ventures has around 26,000 employees and reported revenue of $15.6 billion in 2023. The company is listed in the Dow Jones Emerging Markets and World Sustainability Indices (DJSI).

Trevira CS® marks fabrics that have been tested for their fire safety, receiving a Trevira CS trademark approval. They meet the requirements of the relevant international home textile fire safety standards, also being certifiable according to the IMO regulations (maritime sector).

Being fully integrated, the production of modified FR staple fibers and filament yarns take place in house. Unlike fabrics with a FR finish, which can lose their initial protection, Trevira CS textiles offer built-in safety.

Recent developments include 30 spun-dyed, UV-stable filament yarns & FR polyester made from chemically recycled raw material.


Indorama Ventures Fibers Germany GmbH, Philipp-Reis-Str. 4, 65795 Hattersheim, Germany


+49 8234 9688 2233